Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Weekend Purchases!

I had a wonderful weekend back in Boston/Cambridge and managed to take serious advantage of shopping deals while I trolled around the two cities.

This is a dress I bought on the last day I was in Boston and the heat was almost unbearable. I had not brought a single tank-top (huge mistake) but stumbled across this interesting and very light dress at H&M on sale for $10. You may ask yourself, "why would patty want a dress with a huge Rhino Beetle on it?" That is a fair question, it related to the fact that my father studied Entomology (The study of insects) and I grew up with them. So this great find is an homage to my pops.

H&M: $10

This skirt (I already owned the tank was a sort of rushed purchased. As HB was saying, the Gap had a serious sale of 40% off everything. This skirt was $3.97 BEFORE the sale so despite its rushed purchase I feel like it was worth the dollar and change. The color and lightness of the fabric will be perfect for summer and the hot weekends to come.

The Gap: $1.90

This was one my last purchase and was more practical ones. I am starting a new museum internship on Wednesday and was looking for a professional and sleek pair of black shorts or pants. These were hard to pass up because they were very sleek, fit well, and were only $8!

Thanks the Gap for rocking my world!

I did purchase one more item but it is the outfit I am wearing today so I thought I would wait until I post for the whole outfit.

Happy Shopping!

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