Sunday, April 3, 2011

Style Challenge: Urban Outfitters

Usual Suspect: Urban Outfitters, Cambridge MA Bargain Basement
Time: mid-afternoon
Situation: crowded but manageable
Dressing Rooms: Accessible but could not bring accessories inside to try on with outfits.
Amount Spent: $34.97
Items Purchased: Vest, Pants, and t-shirt.

Everything seen here are purchases from the Urban Outfitters basement. Now I have been going to this particular bargain sale basement since I was in high school. Even during a recovery period did I manage to still score pieces (with the help of amazing friends).

Back in the day the urban sale was even better than the present when they had "50% off the sales price sale." Women and men would body slam their way for hipster ware's and I would dig my tiny body in there and just grab for living life. Today they have sales but more elusive ones. Everything is marked down but not always to my graduate budget. So I have to look like a hawk for the good stuff. I know I wanted pieces that I could use throughout the week so I choose basics but with interesting colors and styles.

The vest was the MOST expensive purchase: $20. It has great details and an electric green stripe along the zipper. It also has pockets and sections that can be zipped and cinched. With so many details and the light-weight fabric I knew I could wear this through the summer. The t-shirt was so cheap, $4.99, and the neon yellow, mustard color can go with browns, reds, greens, well any color! The pants are by far the BEST deal. They are super soft, cropped gray pants with red stitching and were $10. Now, mind you, there is some wiggling that needs to occur to get them up to my waist, but they fit the waist!

Due to my running addiction, my legs are not stick-thin and muscles and skinny pants are like oil and water. I have managed to weasel myself into many of them. Thank goodness for stretch.

So overall a very productive and fun style challenge. SO excited to see what HB put together :)

Signing out,

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