Monday, June 4, 2012

Adventures in a Friends Closet

 I arrived home Saturday night from a day in SF with friends looking like this.  This is not how I left earlier that afternoon.  I had gone out to meet friends at a street fair and foolishly thought I could wear shorts since I wasn't going to stay out very late.  Naturally I arrived home at 11:30pm in my friends skirt worn as a dress, her tights, and her belt!  Luckily she has great taste and is generous with the lending of her clothes.
 The outfit was a total hodge podge, but I think it looked really good in the end!  The skirt as dress was really flattering and paired with a leopard belt and black tights I was both warm and ready for dinner at a new restaurant in the mission.  My friends feet are MUCH bigger then mine so I had to stick to my converse!  I also stuck with my purple hoodie which went nicely with the converse.
 Its probably not an outfit I would have put together under normal circumstances, but I loved it in the end!  It was funky and fun, as well as most importantly warm!  I am lucky to have such good and fashionable friends!
 The skirt really did look great as a dress.  It had really flattering pleating.  And I do love some leopard print!  Luckily I wore a black bra that day so the straps didn't look too out of place in my "dress."

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