Monday, May 9, 2011

Borrowed, Gifted, Traded

As the title of my post suggests my outfit comes from various sources. The sweater is borrowed from my mother. The dress was a gift from my friend the lovely Miss AP. And the shoes I traded to my friend Miss C because I had stretched out a pair of mine and these were always too small on her.

I wore flats today because I was meeting friends after work. I didn't know the place we were going to and nothing is worse then standing around for hours in heels that are killing your feet. I also really like the way these shoes look with my brown floral print dress. As I mentioned above I traded these shoes for a pair of mine that I stretched out from wearing all the time. Luckily my feet are slightly smaller then my friend Miss C's, and hers are slightly larger then mine. This makes shoe trades like this all the better.

I did some twirling to try to show off the volume of the skirt, it didn't work, but it was fun!

The dress was a gift from my friend Miss AP! She grew under it, by which I mean she lost weight and passed it on to me. Basically it was a win win situation, I love the dress and Miss AP looks great. This is a wrap dress (its hard to see in the pictures), and I love the shape and the pattern of the dress. That and it is super comfy.

The sweater I borrowed from my mother to give my outfit a splash of color. I like its proportion in relation to the dress.

Borrowed Sweater: The Gap from my marm
Gifted Dress: H&M from the lovely Miss AP
Traded Shoes: Banana Republic from Miss C.

Hope everybody had a great beginning of the week!

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