Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wiz by Wednesday!

Today is another pretty and sunny day in NYC and as I work on my Patty tan for the summer I have been wearing slightly more revealing clothes, meaning legs and arms exposed (daring I know). Today is also a pretty busy day but in a manageable way where I have work, a lunch, a thesis research orientation, a end of the year party, and then back home to watch a movie. I wanted to look nice for all events so lets hope I did it!

As you can tell I am a big proponent of color and pattern so this outfit has a lot of that going on, and some accessories too!

Today I am wearing two dresses layered over each other. The one underneath (seen barely in that mash of pink on the right) is a great dress I picked up at Urban for $10 and has a deep Batik like patter and braiding at the chest, which you cannot see at the moment. To be a little less exposed I pared it with a pink shirt dress with a star pattern on it and belted it with a deep navy blue sash belt from one of my other tops.

As for accessories (seen above) I choose bright and interesting pieces that also can make a little bit of noise (literally). For a necklace I am wearing my Cultural Survival Bazaar necklace. They have great offerings and if you live in the Massachusetts area it is worth the trip for yummy food, great activities, music, and amazing clothes, jewelry, and other gifts. Here is the schedule! For bracelets I am wearing a jumble of given bracelets from Emma's dad, Claire, and my lovely friend Susannah. To close the book on this outfit I wore my teal colored platforms from H&M.

Tip of the Day: Wearing a noisy jumble of bracelets and layer those dresses!

Dress 1 (underneath): Urban O ($10)
Dress 2 (pink): H&M ($10)
Necklace: Cultural Survival Bazaar ($12)
Bracelets (All Gifts)
Belt: From another H&M top
Shoes: H&M ($20)

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