Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lazy Day Saturday!

Today was a VERY lazy day for me! For the first time in a while I simply lay in bed and read all day. But eventually, I had to haul myself out of bed to go out and meet some friends and go to the grocery store.

Lucky for me, today was a gorgeous day, so I got to wear a sundress. This means getting dressed only required one article of clothing! And an excuse to wear this fun strapless dress.

I got this dress off the Gap sale rack (surprise surprise). I really like the combination of pattern and color as well as the cut of the dress. It also has really great deatails, like pockets and the exposed zipper in the back! It is also luckily not too short, so I don't feel too exposed when I wear it even though its strapless.

Because I was going out in the later afternoon, I grabbed a long cardigan to put on when it got colder. I went for a bright color because the color scheme of the dress is all blues and other neutrals.

To finish off my outfit I wore a simple pair of Reef flip flops. It was actually Miss P who introduced me to Reefs when we were in college. They are the most comfy flip flops out there.

Dress: The Gap, $30
Cardigan: The Gap, $22
Shoes: Reefs, $10
Sunnies: Mosely Tribes, gift from my Bro.

Hope its warm and sunny wherever you are!

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